Miss Valentine has direly contradicted her own theme. She offers in one mouth the above statement, then later turns around and announces that the lower animals commit and accept homosexuality without question. Nature never gave any such statement as she suggests to any animal. Had nature done so, then, by nature itself, homosexuality would be forbidden, or never even created. How does Miss Valentine explain the fact that animals copulate male to male, and female with female in the face of nature's decree, when there is no possible hope of homosexuality fulfilling the command.

Further, let me inform Miss Valentine that the laws of God, or Nature, or any other omnipotent force are congruous with homosexuality, and that any animals, including man, who are bent to homosexuality are following such laws and decrees. I am afraid of the damage that Miss Valentine has done to susceptible minds.


news & views

Coupla' muscle mags recently had articles 'explaining' what homosexuality and bisexuality were all about. Articles showed some sense, despite nonsense about homosexuality being on increase. People who've just 'come out' often find it hard to believe that this has been going on all along, and that the gay life was just as gay, just as widespread and just as obvious, ten, or twenty, or seventy-five years ago. The author of this article names a city in which there are now ten gay bars (he underestimates them) and says such a thing couldn't have been ten years ago. He also blandly assumes that homosexuality is the exclusive provience of the educated, cultivated classes-There is almost a total absence of this type of male among laborers, craftsmen, and those, in general, who earn their livelihood by brawn rather than brain." Nonsense! Though a lot of homosexuals encourage this notion by insisting


by dal mcintire

that the brawny types they seek as sexual partners are not themselves. homosexual. . . And finally, the article suggests that homosexuality is a result of an over-jaded feeling on the part of males today who see too much of femine charms displayed. . .


In a hot-headed expose of the brave bull-stickers, titled "Hemingway and the World's Phoniest Sport," in Feb. 60 Argosy, Milt Machlin, who sounds real mad over being insulted by the famed novelist and connoisseur of "moments of truth," put a real unusual emphasis on the way "Papa" mothers handsome torero Ordonez, complete with photo of Hemingway nursing Ordonez' gouged leg...

When the Russian dancers toured here, several butcho press hacks emphasized that these male dancers, unlike our own, were real males. The newsmen merely looked at the angular, husky builds and